Journal of Dali University ›› 2021, Vol. 6 ›› Issue (3): 27-32.DOI: 10. 3969 / j. issn. 2096-2266. 2021. 03. 005

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Production of Space within the Field of Ethnic Tourism Real Estate:Dajinta Temple in Jinghong as an Example

Fang Yiyong, Tao Lin*   

  1. (Institute of Ethnic Culture Research, Dali University, Dali, Yunnan 671003, China)
  • Received:2020-10-13 Revised:2020-11-05 Online:2021-03-15 Published:2021-03-23

Abstract: This article is based on Lefebvre's theory of the trinity of spatial production, taking the Gaozhuang Xishuangjing Tourism
Real Estate Development Zone in Xishuangbanna, Yunnan and the Dajinta Temple in Jinghong as the research objects.This paper
explores the production, structure and meaning of religious space in the context of rising tourism real estate development, and studies
the path of harmonious integration of government organizations, tourism real estate companies and other organizations, so that tourism
real estate development, religious space, and traditional national culture can realize the common interests and provide solutions for the
impacts of tourism development on the social and cultural environment.

Key words: the field of tourism real estate, Dajinta temple, space, spatial production.

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